The Steve Youngdeer American Legion Post 143 Color Guard at a November 16, 2014, game. Still image from Redskins Facts / YouTube
The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina doesn't want anything to do with the Washington NFL team and its racist mascot. The tribal council voted to disavow any relationship with the team, The Cherokee One Feather reported. The resolution calls for the removal of any "articles, photos and videos" from the websites of the team and the Original Americans Foundation, the paper said. Last November, outgoing Chief Michell Hicks appeared in a video posted by Redskins Facts wearing a shirt with the team's logo. "Hail to the Redskins!" he says in the clip. The video also show the Steve Youngdeer American Legion Post 143, which is based on the reservation, presenting the colors at a game last November. The tribal council had endorsed the trip but Rep. David Wolfe said "We were unaware of what it was going to be twisted into," The One Feather reported. Hicks, who did not seek re-election for a fourth term in office, is being succeeded by Patrick Lambert. In related news, The Atlantic's October 2015 issue includes a profile on Ray Halbitter, the leader of the Oneida Nation of New York. The tribe launched the Change The Mascot movement to pressure the team to eliminate its racist mascot. “The essence of this whole Washington thing is that they’re defining who we are,” Halbritter told writer Ariel Sabar. Get the Story:
Tribe ceases relationship with Washington NFL team (The Cherokee One Feather 9/10)
The Anti-Redskin (The Atlantic October 2015)
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