A view of Isleta Pueblo in New Mexico. Photo from Seven Directions Custom Tours
Harlan McKosato reports on opposition from Isleta Pueblo over plans to create a new city development adjacent to Albuquerque, New Mexico:
Urban sprawl is posing many threats to Indian country when it comes to tribal land and water rights. There is currently a plan in place to build what amounts to an entire new city west of Albuquerque. The project is called the Santolina Master Plan and it proposes to develop a reported 22 square miles, and 38,000 homes, atop what is known as the West Mesa. But opponents of the project argue the long-term effects could have very negative consequences to the water supply in the middle Rio Grande River watershed. Many tribes across the U.S. who inhabit land close to urban areas that are subject to urban sprawl are already dealing with this concern, or will inevitably be dealing with it as the U.S. population continues to expand. The Pueblo of Isleta, which lies just a few miles south of Albuquerque along the Rio Grande, is ready to take up the fight to keep this development from emerging. “The Pueblo opposes the Santolina development,” said Pablo Padilla, the General Legal Counsel for the pueblo. “The pueblo feels the city and the developer (Barclays – based in the United Kingdom) have failed to prove they have sufficient water rights to supply water to the proposed development. The Pueblo believes the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority has not proven that it has the capability to have water service and waste water service to the proposed development.”Get the Story:
Urban Brawl: Pueblo Fights Plan to Build New City Near ABQ (Indian Country Today 8/26)
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