Editorial: It's time for South Dakota to give Kristi Noem the boot

The following is the opinion of the Native Sun News Editorial Board. All content © Native Sun News.

Kristi Noem needs the boot!

It is high time to show Kristi Noem the door
By Native Sun News Editorial Board

How many of you remember Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, former Congresswoman from the State of South Dakota? Perhaps she has now been pushed into the bin of history, but when she served in the House she was one of the main proponents of Indian rights and she introduced many bills supporting those beliefs.

She was unfortunately defeated in her bid to retain that House Seat by Republican Kristi Noem and it was also unfortunate that the Indian voters did not turn out in large numbers that election year to support her and her loss was also our loss.

Noem has done little or nothing to promote legislation favorable to South Dakota’s large Indian population. Instead she has done just the opposite by opposing women’s rights, she voted to make drastic cuts in the food stamp program and has been a strong supporter of the Keystone XL Pipeline, a pipeline that is diametrically opposed by the tribes of the Great Sioux Nation.

And now she is about to be challenged for her seat by a Democrat named Paula Hawks. Hawks made her announcement in Native Sun News last week. She said, “Kristi Noem has lost touch with the people of South Dakota.”

South Dakota Rep. Paula Hawks (D) is running for U.S. Congress. Photo from Facebook

Hawks said that if she is elected she would, “Stand with our family farmers and ranchers. I will stand with South Dakota’s women and support equal pay for equal work, something our current representative opposes. I will stand for our seniors and fight for lower drug prices instead of lining the pockets of pharmaceutical companies. I will stand up for young people pursuing a higher education and I will stand up against Wall Street to make sure your hard earned dollars are not swept away by high risk practices that cripple our economy.”

We believe South Dakota needs a change in the House of Representatives, but we also need to let Candidate Hawks know that on her list of things to do she totally forgot the largest minority in the state and that is the American Indians.

Kristi Noem laid out a bunch of things she would do for Native Americans while campaigning, but forgot to follow up on any of them once she was elected. We mentioned Stephanie Herseth Sandlin at the top of this editorial because next to former Congressman and Senator Tim Johnson, there has never been a more adamant champion of Indian justice, Indian rights and Indian economic development than Herseth Sandlin. We include Senator Tom Daschle also.

Hawks is the current South Dakota State Legislator from District 9. She is a fifth generation South Dakotan and she firmly believes that, “South Dakotans need a Representative who will work hard to represent the interests of everyday citizens and someone who listens and works hard for them each and every day in Washington.”

Rep. Kristi Noem (R) holds South Dakota's sole Congressional seat. Photo from Facebook

Well, we’ve had a couple of years of Noem or as one columnist calls her, Kristi No, and we have discovered that she walks lock step with the Republican Party without considering the basic needs of her own citizens in South Dakota, and she has made it a particular point to absolutely ignore and even damage the interests of the Native Americans of this state.

It is time for a change and it is early enough for all Indians to register to vote and when the time comes, get out and make that vote count. We need help in Washington and we believe Hawks can give us that help.

(The Editorial Board of Native Sun News can be reached at editor@nsweekly.com)

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