#Native&Afraid: Republican candidates set for first prime-time debate. Graphic by Mark Trahant / Trahant Reports
Fox News and Facebook will host a Republican presidential candidate debate in Cleveland, Ohio, tomorrow night. Ten candidates who made the cut for the prime-time debate at 9pm Eastern were chosen based on their standings in national polls. They are: real estate magnate Donald Trump; former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush; Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker; former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee; Dr. Ben Carson; Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas; Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida; Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky; New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie; and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
Several of the candidates appeared at the Voters First Forum in New Hampshire on August 3, 2015. Photo from Jeb Bush / Facebook
The remaining seven have been invited to appear at a forum earlier in the evening They are: former Texas Gov. Rick Perry; former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania; Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal; tech executive Carly Fiorina; Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina; former New York Gov. George Pataki; and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore. Mark Trahant of Trahant Reports will be following on Twitter with the hasthag #Native&Afraid. Get the Story:
Fox News announces candidate line-up for prime-time debate (Fox News 8/5)
Your candidate made the debate? Congrats. He might be on TV for just five minutes. (The Washington Post 8/5)
As Republicans Debate, Campaigns Will Serve Up Instant Spin Online (The New York Times 8/5)
John Kasich Is In, Rick Perry Is Out in First Republican Debate (The New York Times 8/5)
Perry out, Kasich in: Fox News announces the participants in Thursday night’s debate (The Washington Post 8/4)
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