Robert McSwain, the acting director of the Indian Health Service. Photo from Facebook
The Indian Health Service will hold a meeting this summer to discuss lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in Indian Country. The date for the meeting hasn't been set. But as part of a new initiative, the agency is asking the public for input on ways to address the needs of the often overlooked Two Spirit community. "The goal of this meeting will be to gain a better understanding of the health care needs of AI/AN LGBT individuals so that IHS can implement health policy and health care delivery changes to advance the health care needs of the AI/AN LGBT community," a notice that was published in the Federal Register earlier this month stated. "The agency is seeking to increase community access to and engagement with IHS leadership and secure a legacy of transparent, accountable, fair, and inclusive decision-making specific to AI/AN LGBT people." In a 2014 report, the Department of Health and Human Services said the IHS was planning to establish an advisory committee to address LGBT / Two Spirit issues. Similar committees exist for other subject areas at the agency. The report also said the Administration for Native Americans was developing "mandatory" training for its senior management on LGBT / Two Spirit issues. The agency vowed to reach out to groups that serve the community as well. Elsewhere in the federal government, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is working on a rule to bar discrimination against LGBT individuals who are seeking housing in Indian Country. There isn't a concrete timeline for the proposal. Public comments about LGBT and Two Spirit issues can be sent to the IHS by close of business on July 6. So far, only four comments have been received, according to Regulations.Gov. Federal Register Notice:
Notice of Request for Information (June 5, 2015)
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