Pamala Silas. Photo from Google+
The National American Indian Housing Council has a new executive director. Pamala Silas is a member of the Menominee Nation of Wisconsin. She previously served as executive director for the Native American Journalists Association and for the American Indian Science and Engineering Society. "Pam's wealth of experience and industry knowledge has already made her a key addition to the NAIHC family," NAIHC Chairwoman Sami Jo Difuntorum said in a press release. Difuntorum said Silas will play a key role in NAIHC's efforts to support the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act. The House passed H.R.360, a bill to authorize the law, last month but action is still needed in the Senate. "The rapid changes taking place at this time in housing policy, including the impending reauthorization of NAHASDA, led us to look for an addition to our team who could help us restructure NAIHC and continue to deliver exceptional service to our members," Difuntorum said. "I'm confident that Pam will play a key role in providing and implementing high quality support and services for our members." The Senate Indian Affairs Committee held a hearing on S.710 on March 18. It contains some significant differences from the House version so tribes and housing advocates will likely need to address them before it advances. "Adequate and affordable housing is the foundation for creating strong, stable communities and I am excited to play a role in ensuring NAIHC members who provide and manage affordable housing receive the resources they need to meet the needs of Native families," Silas said.
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