The Haudenosaunee flag. Photo by Kenny Frost / Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse / Facebook
The Haudenosaunee flag will be flown at the New York State Fair for the first time in 175 years as part of a new "Six Nations Day" on September 4. Sid Hall, the Tadodaho, or chief, of the Onondaga Nation announced the historic flag-raising at a press conference this afternoon. He said the Six Nations Day will put the story of the Haudenosaunee people at the front and center of this year's fair. “We are very pleased and grateful that the New York State Fair is recognizing the Six Nations and is providing a showcase for the culture of native people and entertainers,” Hill said in a press release. The fair runs August 27 through September 7. Get the Story:
Six Nations Day will bring Iroquois culture and music to the NYS Fair (The Syracuse Post-Standard 4/9)
‘Six Nations Day’ replacing ‘Native American Day’ at the New York State Fair (WSYR 4/9)
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