One of the Al Momaday prints that was discovered. Photo from Albuquerque Museum of Art and History
A police officer who was investigating a condemned property in Albuquerque, New Mexico, found more than $33,000 worth of prints by Kiowa artist Al Momaday. The 72 prints are in excellent condition and are being kept by the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History for now. No one knows where they came from or how they ended up in an apartment that was a methamphetamine lab. “That’s why we’re working with the museum,” a spokesperson for the police department told The Albuquerque Journal. “The house where it was found would not be conducive to the type of environment where you’d find $30,000 worth of art.” Momaday, who died in 1961, lived in New Mexico for many years. His son is Pulitzer Prize-winning author N. Scott Momaday. "He followed in the tradition of the Kiowa five," Momaday said of his father. "He went on to make a sound reputation.” Get the Story:
Police discover valuable Momaday art in condemned apartment (The Albuquerque Journal 2/6)
Stash of Momaday Prints Found In Old Meth Lab (KUNM 2/6)
Officer stumbles upon $33,000 in artwork at old meth lab (AP 2/6)
Brushing Bad: Police officer stumbles upon $33,000 in 'stolen' artwork stashed at crystal meth lab in condemned apartment building (The Daily Mail 2/6)
APD recovers dozens of old Native American prints from condemned apartment building (KOB 2/5)
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