André Cramblit. Photo from From The River Collective / Facebook
André Cramblit, a member of the Karuk Tribe, offers the first in his guide to slang, acronyms and other terms in Indian Country:
I know there are many of you who read the wonderful words at Indian Country Today Media Network who are non-Native. I thought it would be helpful for you to have a reference for some of the inside remarks that are sometimes made. These are some definitions I have collected over the years from other emails or blogs and have added to myself. I have always said that 90% of the world’s problems are issues of communication. Let’s hope this brings a bit of clarity. 49: An informal social celebration at an Indian gathering such as a powwow. 49in': Partying at a 49. All my relations: Signifies we are all connected, even the animals plants and nature (wind, water, rocks, etc,) from the Lakota Mitakuye Oyasin. Apple: Red on the outside, white on the inside. BIA: Bureau of Indian Affairs. This is the official link between Indian Country and the federal government. Originally was in the department of war but now in the department of the interior. Big Warrior: Someone who takes his or her role as a warrior too seriously. Blood, Aimster: member of the American Indian Movement (AIM). Chief: Someone who thinks he's chief but isn't. Used ironically.Get the Story:
Andre Cramblit: 'Going Geronimo' and Other Useful Native Slang Terms, Part 1 (Indian Country Today 10/21)
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