A mural at the Tulare Union High School in California. Photo from Waymarking
The Change the Mascot campaign praised a new law in California that bars the use of the name "Redskins" in public schools. AB30, the California Racial Mascots Act, applies to four schools in Merced, Calaveras, Tulare and Madera counties. They will be required to phase out their racist mascots, symbols and imagery by January 1, 2017 under the bill signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown (D). “We applaud and extend our deepest gratitude to AB-30 author Assemblyman Luis Alejo, Governor Jerry Brown, and California’s lawmakers for standing on the right side of history by bringing an end to the use of the demeaning and damaging R-word slur in the state’s schools, Oneida Nation Representative Ray Halbritter and National Congress of American Indians Executive Director Jackie Pata said in a statement. "They have set a shining example for other states across the country, and for the next generation, by demonstrating a commitment to the American ideals of inclusion and mutual respect." Halbritter and Pata said the historic law underscores the need for the Washington NFL team to eliminate its racist mascot. Get the Story:
California bans use of ‘Redskins’ as school mascot or team name (The Sacramento Bee 10/12)
Some criticize California's ban on 'Redskin' name (The Los Angeles Times 10/12)
California schools barred from using 'Redskins' as team name or mascot (The Los Angeles Times 10/12)
California Becomes First State to Ban 'Redskins' Nickname (NBC News 10/11)
California bars public schools from using ‘Redskins’ as team name or mascot (The Washington Post 10/12)
California to Ban 'Redskins' for School Sports, Keep Confederate Building Names (Reuters 10/11)
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