Chief Steve Pego displays the birch bark document declaring a war on substance abuse. Photo from Saginaw Chippewa Tribe
The Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan banished two women after they were arrested in the largest drug bust in local history. Kristy Posthumus, 33, and Audrey Shipman, 31, were found with 13 bindles of heroin and 12 bindles of another unidentified drug. Both are being held on various tribal and county charges. “Today our people have shown that we are no longer going to tolerate people who peddle unhealthy and life destroying substances onto the reservation. Today we took necessary steps to protect and uphold our members and their families against this plague called addiction”, Chief Steve Pego. said in a press release. The tribe described both women as Native American and as non-tribal members. But only Posthumus is being prosecuted in tribal court. Shipman is being prosecuted in Isabella County. Since Posthumus is Native, the tribe is referring her to federal prosecutors for potential charges. Get the Story:
Two women banned from Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe (Central Michigan Life 2/28)
MPPD makes biggest drug bust from traffic stop in department history (Central Michigan Life 2/19)
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