Ron Allen. Photo from Ecotrust
Ron Allen, the chairman of the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe of Washington, shows support for a $49.2 million bond for school construction and upgrades:
On Feb. 10, 2015, the Sequim community will vote on a $49.2 million school facility bond. Last year, the district requested a $154 million bond. The community said no; it was too much and needed to be a more realistic goal. The Sequim School District leadership heard the message and pared back their request to a third of the desired need. This strategic decision by the district leadership is an excellent move. It is important to be reminded that “bonds” are for the school and facility needs. They are not the “levies” that provide for the educational operations and the teachers. Bonds provide for construction and renovation of school facilities. I and our Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal community fully support this bond. We believe that a quality educational system is essential for our current and future generations.Get the Story:
Ron Allen: Sequim schools and the future of our community (The Sequim Gazette 1/21)
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