A Cherokee Nation housing unit in Oklahoma. Photo from Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation
The National American Indian Housing Council is once again pushing for reauthorization of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act. NAHASDA first became law in 1996 but it expired in September 2013. A version cleared the House in December but the Senate failed to take action before the end of the last session of Congress. "Indian Country remains unified in its efforts in Congress, and we are confident that working with our Republican and Democratic friends we will get this legislation enacted early in 2015," NAIHC Chairwoman Sami Jo Difuntorum said in a press release today. The new bill, H.R.360, has bipartisan support. Rep. Steve Pearce (R-New Mexico) is the lead sponsor and is being joined by six Republicans and five Democrats "For more than two years, NAIHC has worked with Rep. Pearce and numerous members of Congress on both sides of the political aisle on this important legislation. We are appreciative of Mr. Pearce and his colleagues for their collective efforts to reauthorize NAHASDA," Difuntorum said.
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