Native youth participate in a meeting at the White House last November. Photo from Center for Native American Youth / Facebook
Former Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota) explains why he created the Center for Native American Youth:
Despite the efforts of parents and Tribes, too many Indian children are living in poverty and strife. They suffer the highest rates of suicide; they are the only population for which high school graduation rates decreased in the last decades; and they experience the highest mortality rates from many preventable diseases. At CNAY we are working with parents and tribal authorities on issues related to teen suicide prevention, youth leadership development, increasing access to education opportunities, better health care and so much more. We are determined save lives and improve the lives of the children of the first Americans. The invitation from the White House to create a partnership with the Center for Native American Youth is a wonderful opportunity to join forces and do more to help. I have traveled to tribal communities all across the United States and I have met many young people who are doing inspiring things – we call them “Champions for Change.” But each visit also reminds me of our government’s failure to keep its many promises to the First Americans. It doesn’t have to remain that way. We can change that!Get the Story:
Byron Dorgan: Making American Indian Children a Priority (Indian Country Today 12/31)
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