Donations are being sought for 11 children who were orphaned by a fatal shooting on the Sisseton-Wahpeton Reservation in South Dakota. Image from Facebook
A member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate in South Dakota remains hospitalized after being injured in a shooting last month. Karissa Dogeagle is being treated at Sanford Hospital in Fargo, North Dakota. The exact nature of her condition isn't being released but the tribe said she continues to recover from a November 24 shooting that left four people dead. According to a GoFundMe page, the shooting left 11 children orphaned. Sierra Smiley Wolcott and other tribal members are collecting donations and raising money for the children and Dogeagle. The victims of the shooting were identified as Vernon Renville Jr., Angela Adams and Candace LaBelle. Authorities say they were killed by Colter Richard Arbach, who also shot Dogeagle before turning the gun on himself. Get the Story:
Sisseton shooting victim continues recovery (The Aberdeen American News 12/10)
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