House to consider bill to reauthorize Indian housing programs

A Cherokee Nation housing unit in Oklahoma. Photo from Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation

The House is expected to take up H.R.4329, a bill to reauthorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act, on Monday.

NAHASDA first became law in 1996 but it expired in September 2013 without action by Congress. So the National American Indian Housing Council, the National Congress of American Indians and other organizations are pushing hard for its passage this year.

"Passage of this legislation would reauthorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996, a law that consolidated federal housing programs for Native Americans and block-granted the programs and associated funding directly to Indian tribes," NAIHC said in a legislative alert.

The bill will be taken up under a suspension of the rules, according to NAIHC. The designation is typically used for non-controversial. bills with significant support from lawmakers.

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