Army Veteran Corinna Robinson (center) enjoys pow wow with friends at Pine Ridge. Photo courtesy corinnaforsd.com
Indian veterans give final push for ‘Corinna’
By Karin Eagle
Native Sun News Staff Writer PINE RIDGE –– “We don’t need a representative who is part of the problem: We need solutions!” That is the war cry of Army veteran Corinna Robinson as she heads into the last stretch of her campaign against incumbent House Representative Kristi Noem. In working towards those solutions Robinson draws upon her honorable service in the United States Army. “I’ve had the honor of spending most of my life serving our great country in uniform, including in combat,” explains Robinson, “While that’s a non-traditional way of earning a paycheck by some accounts, it’s taught me that freedom comes in many forms – and they are all important.” “The ability to put food on the table and a roof over your family is central to who we are as a nation,” continues Robinson,” And right now the politicians in Washington are going into yet another year of putting politics before people – fighting among themselves, fighting to see who can get to the TV cameras first, fighting about who fights better – rather than actually focusing on create more good jobs with good benefits.” Job creation is one the issues that Robinson feels most strongly about, seeking to support small businesses by helping to level the playing field; addressing the federal deficit by doing “more than holding press conference”; fighting for critical improvements to critical infrastructure. Robinson has also stated that she fully supports the use of solar and wind energy to help keep the environment state alongside creating new “green jobs”, those involved in more environmentally friendly fields, right in South Dakota. Incumbent Kristi Noem, instead of pushing to create new jobs in South Dakota, has created a record during her two terms in Washington that allows her to now be identified as one of the most reliable “rubber stamps” for her political party. According to Open Congress and other sources, Rep. Noem votes with the National Republican Party more than 95% of the time. “When I was in the military we didn’t ask people which party they most often agreed with before protecting their freedom,” said Robinson,” And when I’m traveling across South Dakota and talking to families still out of work, they don’t ask what political party a good idea comes from.” “Frankly, I believe most South Dakota families and small businesses are as tired of the partisan gridlock in Washington as I am,” said Robinson,” It’s time to put South Dakota values, and South Dakota jobs, ahead of D.C. politics as usual.” As a third generation South Dakotan, and the mother of three sons, Robinsons believes that investing in children and their education is the single most important thing she can do to help ensure they all have the brightest possible future. “Growing up in North Rapid, after my father died when I was young, I was lucky enough to frequently visit the Mother Butler Center and the Girl’s Club,” explained Robinson. "My mother was an amazingly strong woman, and my family was blessed in many ways – but one of them was the additional safe haven I found at these places, where I was inspired and nurtured," Robinson said. Noem’s vote to arbitrarily cut federal funding by 25% across the board was viewed by Robinson as surprising and so dangerous. “I’ll be the first one to step up and cut back federal waste and reign in reckless federal spending – but not at the expense of our seniors, our veterans, Native Americans, and certainly not on the backs of our kids,” stated Robinson.” "Our teachers and our parents deserve more respect than they’ve been getting from Washington and they deserve more help than they’ve been getting from Congresswoman Noem.” In a written statement, Robinson said: “As our next member of Congress I’ll fight to boost early childhood education and invest in Head Start programs. I’ll fight to make sure more South Dakota students can afford to go to college, and I’ll fight to cut their crippling student load debts. If Washington, D.C. politicians continue to give billions of dollars in corporate welfare to international banks that can borrow money with zero interest, it’s time to cease charging South Dakota students sky-high interest rates.” As a 25-year veteran of the armed services, including combat service, Robinson believes that she personally understands the importance of military service and the sacrifice our troops and their families make every single day. “It’s why I lent my voice early on to attend “Save the VA” meetings and those calling for a full investigation of the treatment our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines were getting in our VA facilities,” Robinson continues in her statement, "And it’s why I was at the front line calling on the Washington politicians to stop playing politics with our soldier’s lives: fingers can be pointed afterward our troops are safe and healthy. But until every man and woman in the armed services is getting top-quality care, we need to focus on what is truly important – protecting those who have protected us.” “When men and women put their lives on the line to protect our country, they deserve no less than our best in return,” continues Robinson about the most critical issues for Veterans,” It’s why the words homeless and veteran should never be used in the same sentence. It’s why votes like incumbent Kristi Noem’s to cut funding to veterans programs are so abhorrent. It’s why it’s high time we had one of our own representing South Dakota military families in Washington.” “I was proud to fight for my country in uniform and I’ll be honored to fight to protect our veterans as our next member of Congress,” declared Robinson. In conclusion, U.S. House Representative Corrina Robinson states “We don't need our government shut down or politicians who are willing, even eager, to damage our economy and our credibility abroad in order to make a moot point. We have had enough dysfunction: We need a farm bill. We don’t need obstruction: We need leadership that understands the everyday struggles of middle class families who face rising costs and stagnant wages. It’s time that your representative put the good people of South Dakota and of our country first.” “I believe I am the public servant who can best serve your interests,” finishes Robinson. Native American veterans from across South Dakota have lined up to support their fellow soldier. To contact candidate Robinson, you can call her campaign office at (605) 691-3764; email her direction at crobinson@CorinnaforSD.com or visit her website at www.corinnaforsd.com. (Contact Karin Eagle at staffwriter@nsweekly.com) Copyright permission Native Sun News
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