Passamaquoddy Tribe won't talk with tidal power developers

This map shows the location of the proposed tidal power project in Maine. Image from Halcyon Tidal Power

Leaders of the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point are opposing a $125 million tidal power project that's stirring controversy in Maine.

The Halcyon Tidal Power development would be located at the mouth of the Pennamaquan River. The tribe says the project will destroy a lucrative elver fishery.

“We will not consult with the applicant because the proposed project will cause an unacceptable destruction to our homeland, and there is no way to mitigate this damage,” Chief Frederick Moore III said in a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, The Bangor Daily News reported.

Since tribal leaders won't talk to the developers, they are asking FERC for a meeting to discuss their concerns. But they aren't the only ones that oppose the project -- environmental groups and local residents also filed letters with the agency.

FERC will be studying the project over the coming year, the News reported.

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Tribe leaders say Pembroke tidal power project could negatively affect elver fishery (The Bangor Daily News 10/30)

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