Assistant Secretary Kevin Washburn. Photo from Bureau of Indian Affairs
The Bureau of Indian Affairs will be holding consultation sessions on a new regulation that affects Secretarial elections. Three consultations have been scheduled so far. They will take place October 26 in Atlanta, Georgia; November 18 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and November 20 in Rocklin, California. The changes have been in the works for several years. The Obama administration held consultations in 2009 and 2010 on a draft rule and the proposed rule was published in the Federal Register earlier this month. "A Secretarial election is a Federal election conducted by the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) under a Federal statute or tribal governing document," the October 9 notice states. According to the notice, the BIA hasn't updated its Secretarial election regulations since 1981. Federal Register Notices:
Secretarial Election Procedures (October 20, 2014)
Secretarial Election Procedures (October 9, 2014)
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