A view of the area affected by the Bill Williams River Water Rights Settlement Act. Photo from Freeport Minerals Corp / Planet Ranch Project Fact Sheet
The House Subcommittee on Water and Power will hold a hearing on Friday on a bill to settle a water rights dispute that affects the Hualapai Tribe of Arizona. H.R.4924, the Bill Williams River Water Rights Settlement Act, ensures that the tribe and tribal allottees have sufficient access to water from the Big Sandy River, a tributary of the Bill Williams River. The bill resolves a dispute that arose involving a mining operation in Bagdad. The hearing takes place at 10am in Room 1324 of the Longworth House Office Building. The witness list follows:
The Honorable Marietta J. PagilawaCommittee Notice:
Council Member
Hualapai Tribe
Peach Springs, Arizona Mr. Francis McAllister
Vice President of Land & Water
Freeport Minerals Corporation
Phoenix, Arizona Mr. Thomas Buschatzke
Assistant Director
Arizona Department of Water Resources
Phoenix, Arizona The Honorable Michael Black
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Department of the Interior
Washington, DC
Legislative Hearing on H.R. 4924 (September 19, 2014)
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