Eradicating Offensive Native Mascotry
Jennie Stockle welcomes advocates and allies to Eradicating Offensive Native Mascotry"
Everyone at EONM likes to keep the closed groups [EONMnews or EONM] a safe place where indigenous people and others can say how they feel about Native Mascotry without the trolls that commonly pounce with the "get over it" attitude in open groups. Without those trolls to fight on mascot topics people can discuss events and ideas freely with others who feel the same way they do about redface or offensive mascots in a way that is supportive and respectful of one another. Native American youth and other youth who are speaking out in their own communities come for support as they face difficulty at local schools so we feel that this is very important. We try vetting new members and the group as much as we can. However, this is not a perfect system-as is to be expected. We want to keep EONM as open to everyone who believes in our cause of eradicating offensive Native mascotry as much as possible. So we always ask to alert us to any issues someone might have in the group. We will do all we can to resolve it. If EONM turns out to not be the place for someone, we understand. We work with other groups and individuals on the same cause all the time. It might be what best suits someone coming to EONM simply to observe news or chose to help when they feel it is the right time for them to do so. Actually, that is what most members do. Sometimes people are just as passionate as we are. They want to become more involved and campaign on a near daily basis-please let us know that! We will try and help coordinate together.Get the Story:
Jennie Stockle: EONM Uses Social Media (Indian Country Today 8/30)
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