Members and staff of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee prepare for business meeting. July 29, 2014. Photo © Indianz.Com
The Senate Indian Affairs Committee on Wednesday approved two bills to benefit tribes in Nevada. S.2479, the Moapa Band of Paiutes Land Conveyance Act, requires the Interior Department to place land into trust for the Moapa Band of Paiute Indians. The original bill identified nearly 26,600 acres but an amendment removed about 600 acres from the measure At a hearing on July 9, Chairwoman Aletha Tom said the tribe plans to use one segment for housing and another for recreational and conservation purposes. A third would be set aside for cultural purposes and the remaining lands would be used for renewable energy development. The committee also approved S.2480, the Nevada Native Nations Land Act. The bill requires DOI to place land into trust for seven tribes but an amendment removed the a provision affecting the South Fork Band from the original measure. Both measures can now be considered on the Senate floor. Get the Story:
Bill Would Add Thousands Of Acres To Tribal Land (KNPR 7/31)
Senate advances Moapa Paiute reservation expansion (The Las Vegas Review-Journal 7/31) Committee Notice:
Business Meeting to consider the following legislation (July 30, 2014)
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