Meet Native America: President Marshall Gover of Pawnee Nation

Marshall Gover. Photo by Muriel Robedeaux / Pawnee Nation

The National Museum of the American Indian continues its "Meet Native America" series with Marshall R. Gover, the president of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma:
Where were the Pawnee originally from?


How is your nation's government set up?

The Pawnee Business Council is the supreme governing body of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma.

There is also a Nasharo Council made up of two members chosen from each of our four bands—the Skiri, Kitkehahki, Chaui, and Pitahawirata. The Nasharo Council reviews acts of the Pawnee Business Council regarding membership and claims or rights growing out of our treaties with the United States.

How often are elected leaders chosen?

The eight members of the Business Council serve terms of four years. Elections are held every two years, so that the seats are alternated. All members of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma who are 18 years old or older are eligible to vote.

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Meet Native America: Marshall R. Gover, President, Pawnee Business Council (NMAI Blog 6/19)

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