A view of Pyramid Lake in Nevada. Photo from Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
The House Natural Resources Committee is holding a markup session tomorrow. Two tribal bills are on the agenda. They are:
H.R. 2455, the Nevada Native Nations Lands Act. The measure transfers nearly 93,000 acres of federal land to seven tribes. The House Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs held a hearing on the bill on July 23, 2013.The markup takes place at 10am in Room 1324 of the Longworth House Office Building. Get the Story:
H.R.3716, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe - Fish Springs Ranch Settlement Act. The measure ratifies a water settlement for the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Nevada. The House Subcommittee on Water and Power held a hearing on the bill on June 10.
Markup on H.R. 2455, H.R. 3716, H.R. 4049, H.R. 4283, H.R. 4489, H.R. 4508, H.R. 4527, H.R. 4562, and H.R. 4873
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