Eric Brings White
Concert to empower elders and children planned
By Brandon Ecoffey
Native Sun News Managing Editor RAPID CITY—The Indian community in Rapid City has had its ups and downs in the past few years. However, a recent rise in the use of methamphetamine by Natives in the city has driven one man to organize an event to raise awareness of the rise of the drug and to empower a community. “On ‘Independence Day’ weekend we will organize a single event with the goal of empowering the elders and children with the dream of seeing the abilities they have to come together and make changes for the betterment of the families and community,” said Eric Brings White the organizer of the event in a statement. The concert will be held in the outdoor concert hall adjacent to the Rapid City Civic Center and is open to anyone who wishes to come and show their support. The event will feature speakers, musical artists, and others who will spread a message of “peace and healing” organizers say. According to Brings White, he has received support from every organization he has approached including Native Sun News, Access to Recovery, Okiciyapi Fitness Center at Sioux San Hospital, the United Urban Warrior Society and others. “There are many, many, issues and concerns that go unaddressed here in (Rapid City) and the surrounding areas,” he said. “It is beyond time that we focus our attention on the children who live in those situations day and night who feel unsafe, alone and hopeless.” Brings White, who is a resident of Rapid City, says that he has seen a rise in the use of methamphetamine in his community and felt that an event like the one planned is needed. “Most people don’t go around those circles where people are addicted and doing those things..,” said Brings White. “It is getting bad on the north side of Rapid City and something needs to be done to help the community. (Contact Brandon Ecoffey at Copyright permission Native Sun News
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