
Judge strikes tax refunds for land near Fort Mojave Reservation

A judge with the Arizona Tax Court struck down a state law that authorized property tax refunds for landowners that were involved in a dispute with the Fort Mojave Tribe.

The federal government sued the landowners on behalf of the tribe in 1994, claiming that their property fell within reservation boundaries. The landowners prevailed in 2009 but not all of them paid property taxes to Mohave County during the litigation.

Lawmakers passed HB 2178 to forgive back taxes and to provide refunds to about three dozen landowners. The county would have had to pay $454,058 but the judge said the law was unconstitutional.

The land dispute case was US v. Aria.

Get the Story:
County off the hook in tax case (The Mohave Daily News 6/2)

Attorney General Opinion:
Re: House Bill 2178 and Gift Clauses of the Arizona Constitution (July 23, 2013)

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