Indian Health Service receives small increase with new budget

The Indian Health Service would see $4.6 billion under the fiscal year 2015 budget that President Barack Obama released today.

The amount is only slightly higher than the 2014 level. But it's a bigger jump from the 2013 and 2012 budgets.

"The budget includes $4.6 billion for the Indian Health Service (IHS) to strengthen Federal, tribal, and urban programs that serve over two million AI/AN at over 650 facilities in 35 States," the White House Office of Management Budget said in a document for the Department of Health and Human Services.

The IHS budget provides $617 million for contract support costs. That's an increase from the $587 million in 2014 and $448 million in 2013.

The U.S. Supreme Court has twice ruled that the federal government must pay contract support costs for tribes that enter into self-determination agreements. For 2014, the Obama administration has said it will pay all costs and the 2015 budget makes the same promise.

"The budget fully funds tribal contract support costs," according to the OMB.

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