Native Sun News: Larry Pressler set to launch Senate campaign

The following story was written and reported by Karin Eagle, Native Sun News Staff Writer, All content © Native Sun News.

Larry Pressler

Pressler to make formal announcement for Senate run
Will switch from Republican to Independent this month
By Karin Eagle
Native Sun News Staff Writer

SIOUX FALLS – Former Senator Larry Pressler continued to move toward announcing his candidacy as an Independent for the U.S. Senate in South Dakota, which will occur sometime early next year.

Pressler pledged that he would serve only one six-year term if sent back to the U.S. Senate. Pressler previously served three terms in the Senate and two in the House of Representatives.

Pressler said, "I am a very healthy person, and will challenge my younger opponents to a four-mile run on any morning and like Ronald Reagan, I shall not hold the youthfulness and inexperience of my opponents against them.”

The former senator said he has more focused energy now than he had when he was in his 20s and 30s. “My doctor tells me I have 15-20 years of focused work left in me, both mentally and physically; however, I really only want to serve one full term so I would not have to begin raising money for re-election at any point. The average Senator today spends half of his time raising money for the next election. I want this to be a glorious six years for myself and for my constituents and would not have to start seeking re-election."

He said, “Also, with a one-term pledge, I would not have to cast my vote or carry out my duties with an eye to building a career. I have already been in the Senate and done it. This term is for idealistic public service."

Pressler will be changing his registration from Republican to Independent later this month. He pledged to use the time he might have spent in fundraising to hold listening meetings and meetings with tribal leaders, business leaders, women's group’s leaders, agricultural leaders, educational leaders and all segments of South Dakota society.

Pressler also addressed the issue that "an Independent cannot win." At least one analyst has done a review in which he suggests that the Senate race in South Dakota in 2014 could well be won by somewhere between 34%-40% of the vote. "I intend to win," Pressler said.

Pressler also addressed the 'spoiler issue.' "I am not trying to do anything other than run in a freely elective process, and I hope to spoil the corrupt, poisonous situation in Washington, D.C. I intend to be a 'spoiler' of the current deadlock in Washington. There are now two Independents in the U.S. Senate, and if South Dakota adds a third we may be going forward to spoil the bad system we now have."

For several years now Native Sun News publisher Tim Giago has been urging the Native Americans of South Dakota to stop assigning themselves to either major political party and to declare themselves as Independents. “We are an independent people and why we continue to think that either the Republicans or Democrats can represent us in Washington escapes me and so I have been writing editorials urging all Native Americans to consider becoming members of the Independent political process where they can pick and choose their candidate for his or her ideals and not because of party affiliation,” he said.

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