Republicans looking for way to approve Keystone XL Pipeline

Republican lawmakers are looking for ways to approve the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline and could use talks about the U.S. debt limit as leverage, The New York Times reports.

Rep. Lee Terry (R-Nebraska), whose state will host part of the pipeline, and other Republicans are drafting language to approve the project in exchange for their support in raising the limit. “We feel like this is our only option,” he told the paper.

President Barack Obama says the limit must be raised in order to avoid defaulting on the government's obligations. The deadline is October 17, The Washington Post reported.

Get the Story:
Republicans See Keystone Pipeline as a Card to Play in Last-Minute Fiscal Talks (The New York Times 9/25)
New debt limit deadline is Oct. 17 (The Washington Post 9/25)

An Opinion:
Editorial: Silencing Scientists (The New York Times 9/22)

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