During his 21 years as a California Highway Patrol officer, Bob Goodwin eased tensions during traffic accidents, issued verbal warnings and made arrests—all in a calm and cool way. Now, as Tribal relations advisor for the U.S. Forest Service’s Pacific Southwest Region, Goodwin is again relying on those valuable people and negotiating skills to build relations between Tribal entities and the federal government. Goodwin’s easy-going demeanor, “can do” attitude, and ability to resolve challenging issues make him perfect for the job. As tribal relations advisor, Goodwin, 50, who grew up in Northern California, provides advice and guidance to the regional forester on issues that concern Native Americans. He also works with the region’s national forests and ranger districts on projects that may have an effect on traditional, cultural sites. Goodwin is often called upon to ensure smooth relations when the interests of tribal entities and the Forest Service conflict.Get the Story:
John C. Heil III: Former Cop is a Smooth Negotiator (USDA Blog 7/25)
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