Wendell George: New park an honor for Entiat Tribe and chief

Wendell George, a member of the Colville Confederated Tribes of Washington, talks about a new park in honor of the Entiat Tribe and Chief Chilcosahaskt:
The history of the Entiat tribe and my great-grandfather Chilcosahaskt was little known until recently when Chelan County Public Utility District and the town of Entiat began an extensive upgrade of Entiat Park. This has led to an opportunity to record history for posterity.

My Colville Business Council delegated me to work with the PUD to design and build a display and interpretive signs for the park. We commissioned our tribal artist, Smoker Marchand, to do a metal sculpture of Chilcosahaskt on a horse. One sign will describe the Entiat tribe and the other Chief Chilcosahaskt.

In Last Chief Standing I took literary license to describe how my great-grandfather would have reflected on the meaning of the 1872 earthquake at Ribbon Cliff. Some of the tribe thought it meant to refuse to move to the reservation and others thought just the opposite.

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Wendell George: Raven Speaks: New park will honor Entiat tribe (The Wenatchee World 7/19)

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