Bryon Scott Farmer announces his release from jail on the Blackfeet Against Corruption group on Facebook.
A member of the Blackfeet Nation was arrested by his tribe for a posting he made on Facebook. Bryon Scott Farmer allegedly violated a tribal law that prohibits threats, slander and misleading information against the tribal council. The source was a posting on Blackfeet Against Corruption in which he said he was going to build a float that highlighted tribal corruption. “On Saturday, July 13 at North American Indian Days we will show our tribe, Indian Country, America, and the world that the Blackfeet will no longer allow corrupt leaders, illegal actions, politicians that ignore the will of the people, and abuse of our laws and people. We will show all Indians that you CAN take back your reservation when corrupt and incompetent politicians get out of control,” Farmer wrote on June 18. The tribe's prosecutor charged Farmer on June 28. But he wasn't arrested until Friday, a day before the parade for the North American Indian Days. Farmer remained jailed for the entire weekend while the events took place. He was apparently released late Tuesday. "Guess whos back?" Farmer said on Facebook. "I love all my people who prayed for me while I was in jail, I felt your prayers, and remember jesus went to jail for his people. CHANGE is coming and we are all part of it on this site. BAC ROCKS!" Get the Story:
Great Falls man arrested on Blackfeet reservation for Facebook comments (The Great Falls Tribune 7/17)
Blackfeet arrest man critical of tribal council (AP 7/16)
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