Cherokee Nation low on list for Cobell land consolidation plan

It doesn't look like many members of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma will be benefiting from the land consolidation portion of the $3.4 billion Cobell trust fund settlement.

The settlement provides $1.9 billion for the Bureau of Indian Affairs to acquire fractionated interests from Indian beneficiaries. The land will then be returned to tribal governments as part of the Buy-Back Program.

The BIA plans to target tribes with large numbers of fractionated interests. The Cherokee Nation ranks low in that regard -- 145 out of 150, according to the Buy-Back Program chart.

According to the chart, the federal government holds 367 tracts in trust for Cherokee citizens. Of those tracts, only 135 contain interests that could be purchased under the program.

Assistant Secretary Kevin Washburn said the BIA hopes to start the purchases by the end of the year.

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Cherokees may wait 10 years for Cobell land buys (The Cherokee Phoenix 5/6)

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