Editorial: Government must support tribal court jury systems

Newspaper calls on federal government to put "muscle" behind tribal jury summons in light of tribal jurisdiction provisions in S.47, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013:
For non-Native Americans to receive a fair trial in tribal courts, defendants must face a jury of their peers.

For that to happen, the United States government must provide the muscle behind a tribal jury summons.

The Violence Against Women Act recently expanded tribal authority to try non-Natives in tribal courts in domestic violence cases.

Most non-Natives are going to have a problem with that.

They may not recognize tribal authority unless they can clearly tell the U.S. government will provide the hammer if tribes are ignored.

For non-Natives to receive a fair trial, the federal government must first provide the teeth to tribal authority.

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Editorial: Feds must provide bite to tribal bark (The Muskogee Phoenix 4/24)

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