Candidates for BIA regional director position in Alaska. Weldon "Bruce" Loudermilk, left, and Bryan C. Rice, right.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs has put the selection of a new regional director for Alaska on hold amid complaints from Alaska tribes and members of the state's Congressional delegation. In February, the BIA announced two candidates for the post. Although both have some experience in Alaska, neither is from Alaska or is a member of a tribe in the state. "In an era of self-determination, it concerns us that the BIA has disregarded the concerns of Alaska tribes that applicants under consideration are not Alaskan," Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) said in a March 6 letter to Assistant Secretary Kevin Washburn, the head of the BIA. One candidate, Weldon "Bruce" Loudermilk, has worked for the federal government on Indian issues for more than 10 years and currently serves as regional director for the Great Plains. However, his only stint in Alaska lasted two months and that was for the National Park Service. The second candidate, Bryan C. Rice, also has worked for the federal government for more than 10 years, including five years in Alaska. But he's only been in the senior executive service ranks for 18 months, far shorter when compared to Loudermilk, who has been in his leadership position for nearly three years and has another two years as deputy regional director under his belt. Still, neither candidate has drawn much support from Alaska. The BIA asked tribal leaders to submit comments by February 22 but, nearly two months later, the agency has yet to make a "final selection" as originally planned. "It is essential that this position be filled by an individual with deep knowledge of Alaska’s tribal governance systems, as well as the geography and diversity of Alaska Native communities in order to fully appreciate and improve the experience of Alaska tribes and their interactions with the BIA," Murkowski and Begich wrote in the letter. BIA officials plan to meet in Washington, D.C., tomorrow to discuss the position. Eufrona A. O'Neill is currently serving as acting director. Her full-time position is in DC. Relevant Documents:
BIA Letter to Tribal Leaders (February 11, 2013)
Murkowski/Begich Letter to Kevin Washburn (March 6, 2013)
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