Native Sun News: Sen. Johnson announces retirement plans

The following story was written and reported by Brandon Ecoffey, Native Sun News Staff Writer. All content © Native Sun News.

Tim Johnson announces retirement
By Brandon Ecoffey
Native Sun News Staff writer

VERMILLION—After 28 years of representing South Dakota in the United States Congress Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) is calling it quits.

The longtime advocate for South Dakota’s reservations as well as the rest of Indian country announced his retirement March 26, on the campus of his alma mater USD. The 66 year old statesman defeated Larry Pressler in 1996 to win the seat he is vacating.

Sen. Johnson had suffered from a number of health issues relating to a 2006 brain hemorrhage that affected his speech and mobility. Last year he played a major role in reconciling the House and Senate versions of the Violence Against Women Act that has been heralded across Indian country for its ability to help tribal courts prosecute non-Native domestic violence offenders.

The seat will now be up for grabs as Republicans and Democrats battle for control of the senate. Former South Dakota governor Mike Rounds has already announced his intention to run for the seat. The list of names of other possible contenders include Rep Kristi Noem (R-SD), Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, and Brendan Johnson who is Tim’s son and current US Attorney for the district of SD.

Sen. Johnson will finish out his term which will expire in January 2015.

(Contact Brandon Ecoffey at

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