State Department released the
draft supplemental environmental impact statement on the controversial
Keystone XL
The 2,000-page report does not say whether the pipeline should be approved. That decision won't be made until after a 45-day comment period.
But the document addresses a key issue that was raised by tribes, farmers and ranchers in Nebraska.
Since the pipeline route has been changed, it won't have a major impact on the Ogallala Aquifer, according to the report.
The pipeline would start in Canada, cross the border and run through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Tribes oppose the project due to concerns about water, environment and their treaty lands.
Get the Story:
Keystone XL report raises critics' ire
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Keystone XL pipeline would have little impact on climate change, State Department analysis says
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Report May Ease Path for New Pipeline
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