House set to vote on VAWA with tribal jurisdiction provisions

In a major turnaround for Republicans, the House is set to vote this week on the version of the Violence Against Women Act that was passed by the Senate.

The House Rules Committee agreed to a two-step process that will first put the Republican version of S.47 for a vote. If that fails -- which is expected -- the House will vote on the Senate's package, which includes more favorable tribal jurisdiction provisions.

Both versions recognize tribal authority to prosecute and jail non-Indians who commit domestic violence offenses on reservations. But the GOP bill contains significantly different provisions aimed at giving non-Indian defendants the ability to take their cases to federal court at any point in the process.

Consideration begins today in the House. A final vote could come tomorrow.

Get the Story:
House likely to pass Senate Violence Against Women Act this week (Politico 2/26)
House to take up Senate version of Violence Against Women Act (AP 2/26)
House Republicans Clear Path for Renewal of Violence Against Women Act (The New York Times 2/27)

Committee Notice:
S. 47—Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (February 26, 2013)

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