APTN: Canada's Prime Minister took dim view of Idle No More

Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper said the general public doesn't support the Idle No More movement, according to notes obtained by the Aboriginal People's Television Network.

Harper met with First Nations leaders on January 10. According to the notes, he said Idle No Move was generating "negative public reaction."

Harper has never mentioned Idle No More in public. He also hasn't mentioned Attawapiskat First Nation Chief Theresa Spence, whose six-week hunger strike helped inspire the movement.

Spence ended her strike on Thursday.

Get the Story:
PM Harper believes Idle No More movement creating “negative public reaction,” say confidential notes (APTN 1/25)
Hunger-striking elder arrives home in Manitoba (CBC 1/25)
First Nations leaders vow to keep pressure on government (CBC 1/24)
Canadian tribal chief ends hunger protest, vows fight for aboriginal rights will continue (AP 1/24)

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