"Below are bills that were considered in either one or both the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs or the House Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs, and were enacted into law in the 112th Congress. Have not listed yet the two bills that the Senate recently passed because they have yet to be signed by the President.
Just noticed that the bills enacted into law so far in the 112th Congress are only House bills that Democrats introduced. Don’t know what that means, but there you go.
H.R. 1162, Quileute Tsunami and Flood Protection Act
H.R. 205, Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership Act (HEARTH Act)
H.R. 1560, Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Membership Act
H.R. 1272, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Judgment Fund Distribution Act"
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112th Congress
(Belt Way Indian 12/13)
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