"Lance Morgan posted a link on Facebook to a news story about his tribe’s new arena football team on Tuesday afternoon. Within two hours, a Native lawyer who had written a book about Native sports mascots posted a response.
“Is that a white guy as your mascot? How ironic, an Indian owned team with a white guy mascot,” Ed Zendejas wrote.
Morgan shared the story to illustrate the irony of how a small Nebraska tribe has managed to free itself from economic dependency and create a booming economic development corporation that recently managed to take part ownership in an indoor football team that features a “white guy” as its mascot.
The CEO of Ho-Chunk Inc., the Winnebago tribe’s economic development arm, spoke Wednesday as part of the Paul A. Olson Seminars in Great Plains Studies."
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Kevin Abourezk:
Tribal CEO: Tribe's success a threat to states, others
(The Lincoln Journal Star 9/20)
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