Editorial: Suquamish Tribe doesn't have treaty right on its side
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
"When is a fishing right not a right to fish? Put another way, can you have a right and be wrong?
Those questions remain to be settled since the Suquamish Tribe sued the Navy and other federal agencies over construction of a $715 million explosives handling wharf at the Bangor naval submarine base.
Suquamish officials filed a lawsuit to block construction of the wharf on the grounds that the Navy and others are violating the tribe's treaty fishing rights in Hood Canal."
Get the Story:
Editorial: Tribe's claims lacking clarity
(The Kitsap Sun 9/3)
Related Stories: Leonard Forsman: Suquamish Tribe forced to file
suit on treaty (8/30) Suquamish Tribe sues to stop
Navy from building $715M wharf (8/28)