"A former North Dakota Attorney General and Tax Commissioner, Heidi Heitkamp is running for Senate as a Democrat from the State of North Dakota. Recently, Heidi sat down with Ruth Hopkins of Lastrealindians for an interview.
Q: You supported the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 and swift passage of the Violence Against Women Act (current statistics show that 3 out of 5 Native women experience domestic violence and Native women are more than twice likely to be raped than other women in the U.S., but many non-Natives who perpetrate violence against Native women go unprosecuted because Tribes cannot go after them under current law, even when committed on Tribal land). What are some other ways you see yourself enhancing public safety for American Indians in North Dakota, particularly on reservations? If elected, would you request to be on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee?
A: Besides supporting the swift passage of VAWA, I would help by advocating for additional resources to enhance public safety for Native Americans, in the areas of corrections, victim services, law enforcement, Intervention and Addiction Programs, and resources for families. I think its very important that we find outlets for the young, to help them stay out of trouble. I would also advocate for programs that help juveniles, among other things. I would also defend Tribal Court jurisdiction, beyond the Violence Against Women Act. Tribal Courts also need additional resources. I would champion that as well.
If elected, I do plan on being on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, as well as The Senate Finance Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure."
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A Last Real Indians Interview with North Dakota Senate Candidate Heidi Heitkamp
(Last Real Indians 8/20)
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