Background Check: Interview with leader of National Park Service

"Summer’s in full swing, and unless your family is rather Romney-esque, there’s a chance you’ll be spending some time in one of the country’s hundreds of national parks.

Which makes it a good time to chat with Jonathan Jarvis, the head of the National Park Service. The Park Service oversees about 84 million acres of land, from Alaska to the Virgin Islands.

The former ranger tells the Loop about his secret talents (the man knows his way around a dovetail joint) and how he inherited the public service gene.

Which Cabinet secretary would you most like to hang out with, and what would you do?

I already frequently hang out with [Interior] Secretary [Ken] Salazar as we travel to some of the most beautiful or historic places on the planet. My most favorite thing to do with the secretary is to have a meeting with the local community, wherever we are. We both love to interact with local residents and hear their ideas and concerns."

Get the Story:
In the Loop: Background Check: Meet Jonathan Jarvis of the National Park Service (The Washington Post 7/6)

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