FEMA supports bill to recognize disaster declarations from tribes

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is backing legislation to allow tribes to request disaster declarations from the federal government.

Under the Stafford Act, only states can request declarations. FEMA believes the law should be amended to recognize tribal sovereignty.

"Our country’s tribal nations and leaders are an integral part of our national fabric," Administrator Craig Fugate said in a press release. "FEMA is committed to supporting Indian Country in its efforts to build resilient communities that are prepared for all hazards."

Fugate first announced the Obama administration's support for an amendment to the Stafford Act during the third White House Tribal Nations Conference last December. At the time, however, FEMA did not say whether it supported a specific bill in Congress.

The agency now says it supports H.R.1953 and S.2283.

vGet the Story:
FEMA backs plan to let tribes go directly to president for disaster relief (Cronkite News 6/14)
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