"This week's Oklahoma Sovereignty Symposium is bringing together tribal leaders, state and federal governments and members of the community to discuss Indian legal issues. It provides us with a unique opportunity to reflect on the work we've done thus far and the work that lies ahead.
Respect for tribal sovereignty, which inspires the title of this symposium, is at the heart of the U.S. Department of Justice's work in Indian country. There, the federal government alone has the authority to seek a significant term of incarceration when a serious crime has been committed. This authority gives us a legal responsibility to prosecute violent crime. More importantly, we have a moral responsibility, grounded not only in our trust obligations to the nation's first Americans, but also in our principles of equal justice. We can only be effective in our mission through close cooperation and partnerships."
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Sanford Coates and James Cole:
Justice Department works to strengthen partnerships in Indian country
(The Oklahoman 6/13)
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