Del Laverdure: Let's Move! is a success story in Indian Country

"As the Acting Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, I have seen up close the wonderful progress that has been made regarding the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative and its specific engagement with Indian Country via Let’s Move! in Indian Country (LMIC).

Recently, I had the opportunity to moderate a panel discussion with White House Senior Policy Advisor for Native American Affairs Jodi Gillette. The panel showcased leaders from across Indian Country who have made significant contributions in addressing the health concerns of our nation. The event on June 1, 2012 commemorated the one-year anniversary of the Let’s Move! in Indian Country launch at the Menominee Reservation in Wisconsin and was streamed online from the White House.

On May 25, 2011, the Office of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative and four federal agencies launched Let’s Move! in Indian Country. Through Let’s Move!, the Bureau of Indian Affairs has supported and advanced the great work that tribal leaders and community members are doing to improve the health of American Indian and Alaska Native children."

Get the Story:
Del Laverdure: The First Anniversary of Let's Move! in Indian Country Brings Together Renowned Panelists and the Positive Accomplishments in Indian Country’s Quest for Healthier Living and Eating (BIA Blog 6/8)

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