Witness list for House hearing on universal service fund at FCC

The House Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs holds a hearing tomorrow on the Universal Service Fund and its impact in Indian Country.

The hearing takes place in Room 1324 of the Longworth House Office Building The witness list follows:
Panel I
Geoffrey Blackwell
Chief, Office of Native Affairs & Policy, Federal Communications Commission

The Honorable Jonathan Adelstein
Administrator, Rural Utilities Service
Panel II
The Honorable Alfred LaPaz
Councilman, Mescalero Apache Tribe

Nelson N. Angapak, Sr.
Senior Vice President, Alaska Federation of Natives

Bill Bryant
President, National Tribal Telecommunications Association

Shirley Bloomfield
Chief Executive Officer, National Telecommunications Cooperative Association

Steve Merriam
Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative, Inc.

Albert Hee
President, Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc.

Committee Notice:
Oversight Hearing on "Federal Communications Commission’s rule on the Universal Service Fund and its impact on American Indians and Alaska Natives" (June 8, 2012)

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