Alaska Native corporation land bill ready for Obama's signature
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The House passed
S.292, the
Salmon Lake Land Selection Resolution Act, on Tuesday.
The bill authorizes a land transfer for the Bering Straits Native
Corporation, an Alaska Native regional corporation.
The land was promised in in the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA).
"It took more than 40 years, but today I’m happy to see that the Bering Straits land conveyance is headed to the president’s desk for signing. The agreement passed by Congress resolves a long-standing conflict over land selections on the Seward Peninsula and finally gives the shareholders of the Bering Sea Native Corp. their full land endowment,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said in a press release.
The Senate approved the bill last October.
It's now ready for signing by President Barack Obama.
Get the Story:
Congress OKs land trade to settle Native corporation claim
(AP 6/7)
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