Cowichan Tribes declare a state of emergency after suicides

The Cowichan Tribes of British Columbia declared a state of emergency on Monday in response to a recent rash of suicides and suicide attempts.

Since January, four people, including two tribal staff members, have committed suicide. There have been more than suicide threats or attempts during the same time.

"We are losing our most valuable resources - our children and our caregivers," Chief Harvey Alphonse said at a press conference, The Cowichan Valley Citizen reported.

Alphonse said poverty and unemployment are partly to blame for the epidemic. He called on the Canadian government to come to B.C. to help address the problem.

Get the Story:
Cowichan Tribes Call a State of Emergency (CTV 5/14)
Suicide spike linked to Cowichan Tribes' 85 per cent unemployment rate: Tribe officials (The Cowichan Valley Citizen 5/14)
Cowichan Tribes declare emergency over rash of suicides, ask for help (The Victoria Times Colonist 5/15)

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